



No matter how much efforts you make, it is inevitable that the luck will intervene in the battle. Common is the presence of those who get an undesirable outcome regardless of the careful preparation. there are many things that cannot be manipulated by the individual in the battlefield, and given this, it is obvious that a super-personal factor such as luck will intervene. Haven’t you experienced such situations? Of course, it should be noted that luck can’t have the power enough to overthrow the difference in our respective ability. (1)If it did, efforts would go meaningless. What I want to premise is the idea that the outcome is decided by these variables: mainly ability and secondly process, and not a little luck.
Plus, we must also be skeptical of the absoluteness of the standard of “ability”. (2)Even if there’re two who have the ability almost equivalent to each other, it is the absolute law of the battle world that which is superior have to be decided once they confront. In this modern society that the capitalism has prevailed, the “Draw” judgement will be thoroughly excluded. True, we can’t deny the idea that the difference between two can only asymptote to zero considering the diversity and unity of human. However, can the meagerness always control the result ?
(3)Now that I’ve explained to you that the factor “luck” is inseparable thing, let me put the drastic opinion forward: both considering the edge of victory line and regarding three variables as what with stereotyped value (as written above) will destroy you. True, this is a valid conclusion: in order to win the game, it is important to prepare enough ability in case luck interfere. However, I feel that this problem couldn’t be completed with the easy conclusion that this variable is just like “(4)shackles”. Isn’t it much self-righteous to say that luck is nothing but chance ?
Of course, I am not trying to ask you to be superhuman able to predict and shift the future. However, if you have enough ability, you can at least see what will happen and what you should do when the opportunity arises. By using this, they can improvise to be ready to take a “hit” when the opportunity arises. In other words, those of greed for luck challenge the uncertainty, and those of desperation only for keeping up without any consciousness waste even the best opportunities. (5)Not manipulate luck, but manipulate yourself in the hope that luck will manipulate you.
Therefore, if the only remaining choice is to bet on chance, you need to be willing to accept whatever results. I don’t have to elaborate on that there is a certain amount of risk involved in luck and chance. However, it may be a somewhat easing your mind to think that being allowed to use luck as an excuse is directly related to the justification of one’s ability and process. (6)Eventually, the uncertainty of luck can ironically justify one’s ability in double-entendre.

注釈 asymptote:漸近する meagerness → meager:微小な self-righteous:独善的な


⑴ 下線部1を、“if it did”の内容を具体的に示して和訳せよ。

⑵ 下線部2を和訳せよ。

⑶ 下線部3を和訳せよ。

⑷ 下線部4の意味として最も適切なものを以下のうちから選び、記号で答えよ。
A 破滅への一歩       B 欺瞞
C 自傷行為         D 荷厄介

⑸ 下線部5について、単語“manipulate”を含む3つの語句とほぼ同様の意味を持つフレーズを以下の指定の語数に従って同段落中からそれぞれ抜き出せ。
a. manipulate luck(3語)
b. manipulate yourself(4語)
c. luck will manipulate you(3語)

⑹ 下線部6について、“in double-entendre”(両義的に)とはどういうことか、下線部全体の意味を考慮して100字程度で述べよ。






